
Showing posts from May, 2020


Don't let FEAR consume you! Fear is everywhere-Fear is the biggest MIND FUCK of all time. Fear is embedded in you when you are young enough to NOT know what fear is. IT'S: Don't talk to strangers- which leads to being an INTROVERT and not trusting anyone. ITS: Don't run to fast or you'll hurt yourself- which leads to walking with your head down instead of up and straight because, you don't want to slip or walk to fast or even run for fear of getting hurt.  IT'S: Don't swim to far or you'll drown-which leads to either wanting to defy your parent and really going out there or being so fearful that you will never want to learn how to swim or go on a boat IT'S: Don't have sex before marriage or you will go to hell-which leads to not being able to explore your sexuality and know what you want and how you want it and with who. Just because that person was you first doesn't mean they have to be your last. and don't get me wrong, i'm not ...


#AhmaudArbery #TrayvonMartin I can go on and on. And that is one of the saddest parts. Well, one of many sad parts. I have a soon to be  18 year old. A Black/Brown 18year old to be exact. Why should that matter you may say? Because, in this ridiculously ignorant world we are living in, it is  important..Not only are we dealing with  this pandemic but, to deal with such open racism is even more frightening. And yes, I know that there has been racism for many many years. Trust me I know. But it's a different hit to the heart when you have a child. Racism? Sexism? and add a sprinkle of Lesbianism ( is that even a word?) to that mix? Yes, I have dealt with all of these things almost my whole life. But, this is MY child, YOUR child, OUR child.... It matters more, it needs to stop, it needs to change.. And that change can't come without our voices. Since when is it not OK to take a jog,run,walk anywhere without having to look behind you? Is it not enough that when WE go to...

Bring Back The You That You Fell In Love With❤

This Quarantine, 2020...What a Fucking Year! It has made people really really see themselves, see others.. And sometimes it's scary because you see, reality is... Sometimes we don't like the person we've become. For whatever reason. Weight Gain, Age, Illness, Being Unhappy, Being in an unhealthy relationship. Whatever those reasons are for you, take this time to really look at yourself and say : Self, Is This Who I Am Meant To Be????? Fuck NO! This isn't who you are, this isn't what you were brought in this world to do! you should always feel free.. Free to express yourself, Free to love who you want, Free to be happy with no one questioning you or doubting your existence. Many times, we get so caught up in everyone else, in things that seem priority at the time. But...Forget to really put the biggest most important priority first... YOU.. You need to fully love yourself, believe in yourself, in order to be good for everyone else. If YOU are not truly happy with...