#AhmaudArbery #TrayvonMartin

I can go on and on. And that is one of the saddest parts. Well, one of many sad parts.
I have a soon to be  18 year old. A Black/Brown 18year old to be exact.
Why should that matter you may say? Because, in this ridiculously ignorant world we are living in, it is  important..Not only are we dealing with  this pandemic but, to deal with such open racism is even more frightening. And yes, I know that there has been racism for many many years. Trust me I know. But it's a different hit to the heart when you have a child. Racism? Sexism? and add a sprinkle of Lesbianism ( is that even a word?) to that mix? Yes, I have dealt with all of these things almost my whole life. But, this is MY child, YOUR child, OUR child.... It matters more, it needs to stop, it needs to change.. And that change can't come without our voices. Since when is it not OK to take a jog,run,walk anywhere without having to look behind you? Is it not enough that when WE go to a store, we get those "looks" like we are going to steal something? Is it not enough that we are targeted,bullied,ridiculed for the color of one's skin or race? I just don't understand.. God I Really Don't Understand!
As parent's of any race, all we want is to see our children succeed, to never judge anyone, to give people the benefit of the doubt.But, how can we do that when  this is what they have to be aware of?

* FACT* My son was chased while crossing the street with his friend afterschool when #45 was voted president by 2 grown ass white men.. They had to run inside a Wendy's restaurant because these grown ass men got out of the truck and began to chase them... SO THIS..this shit  that I feel is fucking real..it's not an exaggeration or just something to write to get likes or comments or followers... this is real fucking life... 

I pray we as a community look out for one another, always. And that this stops before WE start taking things into our own hands.
This is something I wrote, I hope it helps, it heals, it moves you to be more aware..

TOP 25 HUMAN RACE QUOTES (of 1000) | A-Z Quotes

You will be 18 soon, a young man-no longer a kid. An adult in the eyes of the law.
But...to me, you will forever be my baby, my son, my heart


How I worry about you every time you walk out that door
How I pray for you even more. To be a black/brown/tan human is rough enough
But to be a black/brown/tan male is overwhelmingly tough.

Anxiety runs through my veins, my tears...start to stain..
My Heart, My Soul for You....
For all I want is better for you- to go out into the world and be great

But.So Scared...With..All..This..Hate

So when you think I worry to much, or it's annoying to text ou a thousand times a day whoile you are out???

And I will forever worry...Because you see...

You....You...Strong Smart Beautiful Young Black/Brown/Tan, Boy-Man
Are.. different..and ignorance doesn't like...different

Because different is what makes you special..makes you..human... and that's how we should all look at each other..as humans....


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