Serving A Purpose??

The saying goes " We are all here for a purpose" But the question is, what is your purpose? what are you passionate about?
I must suffer from some type of ADD because my mind is always on the go. I go to sleep with my head full of thoughts and i wake up the same way. i want to help in so many ways, but how, where, when? you see, i grew up in a 2 parent home where only one parent was the most loving. i grew up in abuse from my family whether it was emotional,physical,sexual. BUT not from my parents. Growing up thinking that it was normal although it didn't feel "normal" that you were touched,kissed etc. from people you considered family. that was a tough pill to swallow.  getting away from that to only get back into it as a young adult. allowing that person to chatter your dreams of becoming someone important, hearing the i'm sorry's and seeing those crocodile tears only to repeat the same cycle.  growing up always knowing i felt different  but not being able to "come out" because of being catholic and in a strict Puerto Rican household which  when it came to talking about sex wasn't' allowed.  isn't that a trip?all of those experiences have brought me to be passionate about children,young adults, animals... so much. that one wish is to hit the lotto so i can donate,quit my job and be a full time advocate. domestic violence within the LGBT community, because that isn't spoken about enough. i came out so late in life but again, everything happens for a reason. and we all go through experiences and trauma to help us become stronger. i worry about the youth. i really do. they think that date rape is OK, that your girlfriend/boyfriend should put their hands on you or that it is OK to be violently jealous.. I don't understand this. maybe it's the household they are being brought up in? maybe it's not... who know's but i feel it's our job as a people to show them different. show them that they are someone important with a voice and that they're lives matter.


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